Share your ThrowBack memories

Discover the ThrowBack mobile app! Let others know what you'd love to be doing right now or what was so great about your throwback and reminisce in what made it so great.


Features you love

Share a moment

Whether it is that breath-taking sunrise from your island holiday, or the selfie with your besties from the good old days, with ThrowBack you can upload a picture, tag it with the date, place and friends, and instantly share with everyone!

Link a location

Some moment become memories that live forever. Tag your memory snap with the location of your memory and share the magic all over again.

Tag a friend

What are memories without friends! Tagging your friends in a picture makes them part of the throwback.


Do more with our app


Create & Share with ease

Easy creation and sharing of content that takes your followers on a journey with you.

Do you ever get lost in your thoughts and it takes you back to specific day that's hard coded in your memory?

Do you ever feel like you need to go back to a specific place or you smell something and you remember how great it was?

Do you feel like you don’t want to keep these thoughts to yourself and need to share this with your friends, family and peers?

Well, ThrowBack lets you do just that! Reminisce in anything from right now or from back then, whenever, wherever you are!

Tag & Add when you want

Simply tag your friends and add locations to yours posts when creating an awesome ThrowBack and moment.

So, you have an awesome ThrowBack to share with the world but there are a few people that absolutely have to see your post or some that were there with you on the day of your ThrowBack or right now in the moment!

Easily tag people to your posts ensuring they see and experience this moment with you.

As well as adding a location to your post and getting people to really experience the glory of this memory or moment by showing them where it all happened!

Browse & View your friends

Scroll through your very own personalised feed by following active users!

See the ThrowBacks and moments that your friends and people you follow are sharing too, on your easily accessible personalised feed.

From a Take me Back Tuesday, to a Throwback Thursday and Flashback Friday, see it all and post it all!

At the same time, keep track of your profile, edit it and lay it out in the way that suits you best.

dual phone

Launch your App

Discover the ThrowBack mobile app! Let others know what you'd love to be doing right now or what was so great about your throwback and reminisce in what made it so great.

  • 1
    Create an Account

    Create an account using your social accounts or email.

  • 2
    Share a memory

    Share your moment or memory at any time by creating a new throwback post and uploading it to your profile.

  • 3
    Tag a friend

    Tag your friends in any post you or others have created at the exact moment you view a memory.


Download your app

Available for Android mobile platforms.

*Works Android Kitkat and above.

Fourways Golf Park, Roos Street, Fourways, Johannesburg, ZA